Documentary following four teenage girls through their daily lives; revealing the pressures faced by the modern American girl. An emphasis will be placed on societal expectations, relationships with family and friends and individual consideration about their role in the present day. The inside look at their daily lives will consist of their education (in and outside of school), extracurricular activities, work, lifestyle, etc. An attempt will be made to contrast the expectations of perfection faced by girls with reality and the four girls vantage point of these expectations. Self esteem issues, material concerns and other societal concerns will be explored as well. Discussions will take place about the most significant events of their lives, mistakes, regrets, and triumphs. Although only documenting the lives of four specific girls, the film will approach concerns that appear to be more broad in their reach on present day American teenage culture. The setting will vary depending on their daily activities as well as any significant event that may take place during the period of time in which they are filmed. The documentary is an opportunity to look at the period of a girl’s life that greatly influences the person they will develop into just before becoming a young adult.
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