Earlier this past week we filmed with Sara, reshooting her interview to clear up any technical issues as well as filming her drawing at her desk. We weren't there too long, just enough to get what we needed to move forward. I feel that we need to have a discussion as a group about the approach moving forward. We've gone into each of the girl's homes and interviewed them and filmed their art. We still need to have Quincy physically doing art. In our weekly meeting Monday night I am going to start a conversation about new approaches. I like the idea posed to us during class about giving the girls a camera and them filming themselves making art. I also have an image in my mind of them getting ready, documenting the process that a young girl goes through in presenting themselves. Hopefully the conversation will allow for some more brainstorming of ideas to try out. For the latter part of the week the documentary had to take a backseat because Taylor and I were working on Visions. Now that the festival has passed we can look forward to putting all of our focus on the project. I look forward to the next month and the direction that the film will take.
Questions for Bob Hawk:
1. Is there one specific thing that jumps out at you and grabs your attention when reading a script?
2. How many pages of a script do you read before deciding whether it is worth continuing or not.
3. What made you decide to pursue a career in consulting for filmmakers?
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